
Burning Man has burned to the ground.

Here are a couple of quotes from people who were there. The first one called himself "Hoop," and it's no wonder he wouldn't use his real name:

"My dad died, and I'm...I have to tell you, my dad was a real bastard...I'm just coming to terms with my relationship with him. For me, it's the end of doubt and fear and the beginning of love and life."

That's what burning an 80-foot high effigy in the middle of the goddamned desert meant to him. How touching.

Another person, who actually had the nerve to use his real name, said he had just broken up with a girlfriend. Here is his view of Burning Man:

"I wrote a letter to the woman who I dearly loved and offered it to the Man. It's a recleansing, a rebirth. Out with the old, in with the new."

I think mailing the letter to the woman or calling her on the telephone would have been more productive.

Other quotes in the article are even nuttier from the perspective of this blogger.

On a sad note, one woman was run over by a car at the event.

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