Campaign Notes.

Is Obama running as McCain's running mate?

It sure as hell sounds like it.

Just because Barack Obama is a lousy bowler, worse than yours truly, doesn't mean he isn't a good athlete.

Perhaps it is wise for candidates not to try and demonstrate their athletic prowess.

Because the race is so close, superdelegates are taking their time before backing either candidate.

In Eugene, Oregon, yesterday, Hillary Clinton fielded some tough questions:

Another audience member asked Clinton to explain her vote authorizing Bush’s decision to invade Iraq.

Clinton defended her decision, saying it was not a vote for an invasion, but to give the president that option if he concluded war was necessary. She also took an indirect shot at Obama, who was not in the Senate during the vote, but did give a speech opposing the invasion.

“I didn’t make a speech. I made a decision,” she said. “And it was a decision based on my best assessment of what would be in the best interest of our country in that very uncertain time.”

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Obituary: Ethel Kennedy

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