
What a story of survival against long odds:

Lying on a hospital gurney and barely conscious, Gludau remembers hearing a doctor shouting, “’I know what it is. Get her on a LifeFlight to Utah. We cannot help her here.’”

On the helicopter, a nurse advised Peerens to say his goodbyes.

“I had a good idea when they put her on the helicopter what was happening,” he recalled. “I tried hard not to show her panic. I wanted my last contact with her to be something with love.”

For six weeks, Gludau was in an induced coma. It was 2 a.m. May 4 when she “came to” — a planned awakening so her parents could be by her side. But she woke up early.

“I looked around and knew that I was in a hospital,” she said. “I knew something was wrong, because I reached for the nurse button, and it was on my right side. I couldn’t reach it.”

She screamed for help. A nurse came in. Gludau asked her what was wrong and why she was in a hospital. The nurse told Gludau that she needed to talk to a doctor. Gludau asked for her cell phone and called Peerens.

“I told him something isn’t right. I told him my arm was missing. I asked, ’What’s wrong with my arm?’ Neil said to reach over and touch my shoulder. I did.”

He explained to her what happened, and then they broke down.

For nine weeks, Gludau was in the burn center at the University of Utah, where she underwent six skin grafts.

Alaska's moose have become gourmets rummaging around dumpsters.

Buzzwinkle the moose has died at the age of about 13.

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