It Takes "Democrats"

to destroy a program once created by Democrats to help people in need. That is because the party has been completely co-opted by neoliberal interests:

The Wyden-Ryan proposal makes further recommendations that would undermine Medicare. These include means testing, whereby “wealthier seniors would receive less help,” a fundamental change that would transform Medicare into a welfare-type program.

These proposals constitute yet another boondoggle for the insurance companies. Through the mechanism of “premium support,” funds would be taken from Medicare and handed over to the private insurers. The inevitable result would be substandard health care provision for America’s elderly and disabled population, resulting in rationing and denial of services, increased illness and suffering, and death.

Ron Wyden is such an idiot he doesn't remember that Medicare was put into existence BECAUSE private insurers WON'T pay for senior coverage. That is because seniors are the group most likely to need health care. They won't be able to afford coverage at all.

Idiot. Asshole. I will work to make sure he doesn't get another term.

But hey, you have a president who thinks Ronald Reagan was just such a great transformational president or whatever stupid term that is:

Our country is fucked.

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