The Neoliberal Follies

When it comes to education policy, the reason Mitt and Rahm are exactly alike on the matter is because there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Mitt and Barry.

Thirty years of neoliberal economic policies have created disasters like stagnating income for the vast majority of people.

Speaking of neolibs, Obama goes on and on attacking outsourcing, but he's just as big on it as any Republican.

This "Third Way" or "triangulation" garbage needs to be dumped.

He started playing this game during the Democratic primary in 2007, insisting that if elected president he would renegotiate NAFTA. To no one's surprise, he wasn't in office a month before he reneged on that promise. He was pretending to be someone who believed the populist critique of free trade agreements, but like the academic and business elites with whom he staffs his administration, Obama buys into the conventional case for free trade and never wanted to renegotiate NAFTA. He still doesn't, no matter how many times he complains that "Romney's firms shipped jobs to Mexico." In the long run, capital and labor mobility either benefit us or make us no worse off, insofar as global competition cannot be escaped. I tire of Obama pretending his position is different, and feel especially sorry for the voters he's misleading.

How credible is it that Obama actually thinks there's something unethical about sending jobs to China? Well, here's what Obama said about another ultra-wealthy entrepreneur who outsourced jobs: "We celebrate somebody like a Steve Jobs, who has created two or three different revolutionary products. We expect that person to be rich, and that's a good thing. We want that incentive."

What a clueless ass.

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