Sunday Reads

The ACLU is more and more worthless by the day.

You have to segregate restrooms based on sex because far too many men are sexually violent toward women.  Men in dresses are not women.

End of story.  There shouldn't be any debate about this at all.

Restrooms are not for sexual fetishists and perverts to practice their fetishes and perversions.

I was shocked to see this on-point column in Cosmopolitan, of all places:

We’ve all experienced loneliness, a sense of being unlovable. But loneliness is not what’s at stake here. What incels are calling for, and what thinkers like Hanson and Douthat are at least willing to entertain, isn’t sex exactly, because sex isn't a commodity that can be traded and distributed like sweaters or loaves of bread. Sex is an activity, one that you need two willing, capable people to do. Incels don't really want that. What they want is a right to rape on demand, a right not to see women as people with rights and desires of their own, but only as objects to be fucked.
But in the real world, where women are at least nominally full citizens with control over their own sex lives, some men will inevitably go unlaid in order for women to go unraped. That’s a price we should all be willing to pay, because the disappointment of men who fail to sleep with whichever woman they choose is not as important as the safety and bodily autonomy of women.

These "incels" need to be in a psych ward, not out on the streets where they pose a danger to others.

Nobody is entitled to sex--ever.  Women don't owe men a damned thing.

The problem is too few women, not too many men.

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