Tuesday Reads

I had never heard of Michelle Wolf before, being that I generally don't care for current standup comics, but I had to see what the dust up was all about:

Some of the remarks missed the mark, some were gross, like the abortion comments, and some of it was funny.

Of course, the Trumpsters got all up in arms over it.

Yep, it's true.  The dudes are all butthurt because women aren't waiting on them hand and foot like their mommies or grandmommies did way back in the fifties and sixties.

I don't feel one goddamned bit sorry for these dudes.  Women don't owe them jack shit.

This renewed sense of anti-feminism, in other words, is happening precisely because women are surging forward. Men in this corner of the alt-right don’t only crave economic resuscitation but a return to a traditional world—one in which so-called “nice guys” win, and, in that winning, reap the rewards: the girl, the job, order, and happiness. Women who balk at such midcentury fantasies are told they have it wrong: once the natural order of things is reinstated, they’ll be happier too. They’ll no longer be Stacys—greedy women obsessed with jerking men around so they can achieve power, wealth, and status—but redeemed, peaceful wives and mothers. They will have a purpose, and it will not be one defined by the so-called evil feminists and social-justice warriors. Welcome to the angst-ridden identity politics of angry men.

To continue ignoring these movements, or to attribute their actions to something else, only invites their unchecked growth. That shared sense of aimlessness and loneliness is real, and the resulting hunt for community, meaning, and change has not only fuelled the incel movement but the rise of other parallel, and sometimes converging, social phenomena: men’s rights activists, the alt-right, Donald Trump, and, yes, the mass popularity of Canada’s own Jordan Peterson. After all, Peterson’s international bestseller, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, is marketed not as some alt-right screed, as certain lefty media often portray it, but as a self-help book.

I quit giving a shit about the white dudes a long, long, long time ago. They kept voting against their own economic interests, so screw them. Their woman-hatred is just icing on the cake for my total contempt for them.

They still believe they are entitled to "family wage" jobs, most of which have disappeared. The "family wage" idea was the worst thing that ever came down the pike because that lay at the very root of sex discrimination against women. Male-dominated jobs have always had inflated pay reflecting the "family wage" rather than "supply and demand," skills, education, experience, or lifestyle. It was a subsidy for men in order to have a wife at home doing her "womanly" duties of being a fuck toy, incubator, and domestic slave.

Women aren't going back to the kitchen. These dudes better get a clue because they are on the losing side of history.

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