Saturday Reads

Once again we are told there is a teacher shortage.

Perhaps if we didn't stress them out so bad or treat them like garbage, as I went through when I lived in Nevada, there wouldn't be a problem.


Obituary:  Former South Carolina Ernest Hollings, a mere 97, a credit to the Democratic Party, has died.  I liked him a lot.  Take a look at this statistic or fun fact:

Together, they were the nation’s longest-serving Senate pair from one state. When Mr. Thurmond died in 2003 at 100, he had been the Senate’s longest-tenured member after 48 years in office. Moreover, Mr. Hollings was junior senator for 36 years, itself a record, and his tenure of 38 years and 55 days, including more than two years fulfilling the term of a senator who died in office, made him the eighth longest-serving senator.

Mr. Thurmond, a Democrat who switched to the Republican Party, never relented in his opposition to full equality for black Americans. Mr. Hollings, while remaining a fiscal conservative, evolved into a social moderate, riding winds of change that swept the South as proponents of civil rights won court cases, staged protests and endured brutalities that shocked the nation’s conscience.

Where are the lawsuits?


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