Thursday the 6th Reads

On first notice, I couldn't figure out how the NY AG could possibly "dissolve" the NRA, but since it is based in the state, the AG can do it.

The NRA was once, many years ago, a reputable organization, but when the weirdos like Harlon Carter took it over, the die was cast.  It's destruction was inevitable, and the organization has only itself to blame.

James' complaint names the National Rifle Association as a whole, but also names four current and former NRA executives: Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, general counsel John Frazer, former CFO Woody Phillips, and former chief of staff Joshua Powell.

It lists dozens of examples of alleged financial malfeasance, including the use of NRA funds for vacations, private jets, and expensive meals. In a statement, her office said that the charitable organization's executives "instituted a culture of self-dealing, mismanagement and negligent oversight" that contributed to "the waste and loss of millions in assets."

The lawsuit seeks to dissolve the NRA in its entirety and asks the court to order LaPierre and other current and former executives to pay back unlawful profits. It also seeks to remove LaPierre and Frazer from the organization's leadership and prevent the four named individuals from ever serving again on the board of a charity in New York.

Of course, there will be "gun rights" outfits to take its place, but none will ever the backing of the firearm manufacturers or the political clout this outfit had and has.


Ilhan Omar needs to be sent packing. Unfortunately, two of her "squad" colleagues survived primary challenges.

Psychosurgery is of course medical quackery, and naturally it doesn't treat something that is a mental disorder to begin with.

Congress is so fucked up and dysfunctional, they just don't give a shit that people out here are hurting.

Why is it Congress can't simply pass stand-alone bills for the $1200 stimulus checks and the unemployment extensions and bonuses?  How hard is that, really?  Why does it need to be part of a bullshit package that is just a way for some to find an excuse to torpedo the whole thing?

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