Newspaper Endorsements for 2020 Presidential Election

 Three have come out so far with the major papers weighing in supporting Joe Biden over incumbent Donald Trump.

The Chicago Sun-Times:

Today, we endorse Joe Biden for president. We endorse him on his own merits. He is a person of honor and eminently qualified, by virtue of a long and capable career as a senator and vice president, to hold the highest office in the land.

It would be enough for us to argue here for a vote against Donald Trump. Our country can’t take any more of him. If the Democratic alternative were a sock puppet, we’d urge a vote for the sock puppet. But in Biden and his vice presidential running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris of California, we see a team — and an agenda — well worth voting for.

Los Angeles Times: 

Trump’s record easily justifies a position of “Anybody but Trump.” But Biden isn’t just preferable to Trump; in many respects he is Trump’s antithesis.

Biden has a record of seeking expert advice and listening to it. Progressives may take issue with his choice of advisers, many of whom are establishment figures he’s known for years. But he clearly has a level of respect for data, science and research that the incumbent does not. As 81 U.S. Nobel Prize winners in chemistry, physics and medicine wrote in an open letter endorsing Biden, “At no time in our nation’s history has there been a greater need for our leaders to appreciate the value of science in formulating public policy.”

South Florida Sun Sentinel: 

Hear this from a Republican, former Rep. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, who wrote last week that he will vote for the Democratic ticket even though he expects to disagree over policies:

“Biden is fundamentally a decent and honorable man who respects the American tradition, supports the rule of law, embraces America’s friends and allies, and will restore some semblance of normalcy to the functioning of government. That’s all I want — and not too much to ask of a President. Biden will perform these duties respectfully and with dignity.”

That cannot be said of President Donald Trump.

Regrettably, he has proved himself unfit, untrustworthy and unwilling to uphold the ideals embedded in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, or to take seriously his responsibility for the health and welfare of the American people and the lives of our armed service members overseas. 



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