Here Comes

the inevitable about Dean:

"Howard Dean, who sells himself as the presidential campaign's straightest shooter, is starting to throw voters some curves.

"As he transitions from insurgent to the man to beat in the Democratic primary, Dean is modifying or switching his positions on several political issues. In recent weeks, Dean, the former Vermont governor, has softened his support for lifting the trade embargo on Cuba--an important issue in voter-rich Florida--and suggested he might opt out of the public campaign finance system he endorsed weeks earlier.

"Dean also has backed off his support for raising the retirement age at which senior citizens can collect their full Social Security benefits, a change that would save the government money by trimming monthly payments to thousands of older Americans. Dean initially denied he ever supported raising the retirement age, but later admitted he did."

And on and on and on it goes. Next week the primary season kicks off, and the other candidates will start campaigning in earnest, and there is no way Dean is going to escape increasing scrutiny.

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