
has been linked all over the place, but I might just as well include it here. Since Dean has gotten such an early start because he had to as he was an unknown and it's paid off for the moment, some people are terrified he might actually get the nomination and cause a Dukakis-like loss for the Democrats.

Actually, I wouldn't compare it to Dukakis. It's more like McGovern, only McGovern's loss would look like a landslide victory compared to what a Dean loss would look.

I don't think the other candidates should pussyfoot around. I think they should go after him with both barrels. He's gotten away with trashing everybody else for months on end, and it's long since due for the knives to come out.

It is impossible for him to win the presidency. Impossible. The waffling, the fact his records are sealed, the general tone of his campaign, the lack of a geographical advantage, his positions on the war and civil unions, all of these are killers. And that's the bottom line.

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