Campaign Follies.

Once again, the junior senator from Illinois sure knows how to pick 'em.

I have to laugh at the media trying to claim the Wright controversy didn't hurt Obama at all.

Sure, it didn't. Just wait if he gets the nomination.

And if this isn't bad enough, columnist Nat Hentoff nails Obama's butt over his ignorant comments about the Schiavo case.

After all, all Congress did was grant Terri Schiavo the right to due process, just as in death penalty cases. The problem in a nutshell was the Florida probate judge, who absolutely refused to hear any arguments to the contrary once he bought into the late Dr. Ronald Cranford's nonsense Schiavo was "PVS." Cranford had an ax to grind, for he ALWAYS "diagnosed" people in such cases as "PVS." Once Judge Greer ruled the way he did, Terri's parents, the Schindlers, tried to appeal, but higher courts simply couldn't overturn a lower court ruling regarding "findings of fact." They could only overrule on procedural matters. Congress's action was to remedy this and basically have the case start over from scratch. In short, Greer screwed up, and he was too stubborn to change his mind and acknowledge he screwed up.

Why the court system failed so miserably in this case to protect the 14th amendment rights of somebody who was profoundly disabled is a mystery to me. But the media lied about the case from the get-go.

The O. Carter Snead article Hentoff mentions can be found here and can be uploaded for free.

I may have linked this piece in the past, I can't remember, but this guy has a great piece about autonomy and how Terri Schiavo's rights to autonomy were violated.

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