Campaign Notes.

Senator Leahy wants the Democrats to lose in the fall.

He and others calling for Clinton's head are really afraid of alienating the African American vote here. It really is fear driving these attempts by Democratic officials to kick Clinton out of the race. They don't care if they lose the GE by losing all 50 states and numerous races downticket; they don't want to make waves with the AA base.

The Common Ills blog goes after Leahy with both barrels. Leahy deserves every bit of condemnation.

Yes, Wright is fatal to Obama. Obama is toast, and whether Obama's ego makes him think he can overcome this, or whether he feels he is so far in over his head and so many people are pinning their hopes on him he feels he cannot back out are possible explanations as to why he isn't out of the race.

Chris Dodd has also made a fool out of himself trying to force Clinton out.

Not so fast, says Al Gore, who is one of the few who is making sense.

Hillary Clinton HAS to stay in the race to prevent an Obama nomination or the party is screwed to smithereens in the fall.

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