Since the Collective Media

was the chief reason John Edwards was marginalized and ultimately forced out of the presidential contest, it seems appropriate for his wife Elizabeth to criticize media coverage of the campaign.

Real issues aren't discussed, of course, because if the media were to discuss real issues then some uncomfortable truths would come to light, especially as it relates to the ongoing class war against the vast majority of the American people and the complicity of our elected officals in maintaining it. The media can't bring this to light, for it is the right arm of the economic elite which is perfectly content with the status quo.

Nobody cared about what John Edwards said, or, for that matter, what Joseph Biden had to say (and after all, he was the most qualified of all of the candidates this primary season to discuss the issues) or Chris Dodd or anybody other than the two "historic" candidates.

The media organizations will be lucky to survive at all, I suppose. As Edwards points out in her piece, CBS may cut back its news division. The New York Times is looking at layoffs. "Alternative news" sources such as blogs are helpful, but without the traditional media to feed off of, blogs are almost worthless because few bloggers have the access or the finances to cover breaking news.

Elizabeth Edwards is correct, of course, in that we should demand a "vibrant, vigorous press," but few people have the time or the inclination.

Getting back to the election, I suppose the media isn't entirely alone in screwing this election up. The Democratic Party, and Democratic voters, all too easily swallowed the "historic" narrative, and now we are going to be lucky if we get a credible candidate to go up against John McCain in the fall.

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