
Just in time for the fall elections are more layoffs in the economy. Not that it makes any difference at all which neolib gets into the White House or who gets elected to Congress.

It's all Washington's doing, and Washington could undo the problem if politicians weren't so busy being bought off.

Hypocrisy abounds by the NCAA over the Penn State mess.

In some good news, Nevada's Clark County School District REJECTED RTTT funds, which had oodles of strings attached.

August 1 is just around the corner, and Washoe County parents, students, and the public will be treated to performances by yet another clown at the helm of Washoe County School District, only completely unqualified to lead it. Pedro Martinez plans to go to different schools in the district for "meet and greet" sessions with the public.

Morrison did the same thing, pretending he would "listen" to their concerns and then turn around and did whatever he wanted.

The district finally got around to removing Morrison's mug off the "executive cabinet" page and has Martinez's name there but no picture yet.

Wall Street is engaging in CYA with all of these executive orders and other police state ideas.

There would be bloodshed the likes of which haven't been seen since the Civil War once the American people realize the depths of criminality committed by the banksters:

Only in this context do Holder’s grants of immunity to Barclay’s Bank (British) and UBS (Swiss) in the LIBOR scandal make sense. Immunities are traditionally granted to smaller fry in order to indict bigger fish, but all sixteen of the banks potentially involved are huge (too-big-to-fail), and Barclay’s beat UBS to the punch in admitting wrongdoing and consenting to be fined $450 million. UBS, as New York Times financial columnist James B. Stewart reports, “is in a league of its own given its track record for scandals,” having been fined over a billion dollars by the feds in recent years. The bank was also forced to reimburse $22.7 billion defrauded from customers in a toxic securities scheme. If UBS gets immunity, then so will U.S. megabanks JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup. (One cannot imagine a prosecution of President Obama’s friend Robert Wolf, the outgoing chairman of UBS’s American operations, who vacations, golfs and plays basketball with the president, and has bundled $500,000 towards his re-election campaign.)

The U.S. Justice Department’s job, as Eric Holder sees it, is to immunize the criminals from prison time, and then fine their companies to preserve the illusion of justice. As we discussed in these pages two weeks ago, Holder successfully contained the national bankster robo-signing scandal, earlier this year, by brow-beating state attorneys general into dropping their suits and investigations, and forcing an affordable monetary settlement – most of which will never reach actual homeowners.

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