From Narcissism to Nincompoopery

That is the current state of WCSD now that Pedro Martinez has signed and the doofusses (or is it doofi) have approved his $238,000 superintendent contract. You would think anybody affiliated with Eli Broad and his various "academies" and "residencies" would be immediately disqualified and Broad's foundations thrown into total disrepute. You would be wrong, however. The academy is still infiltrating school district after school district with its poisonous attempts to run school districts like businesses, and taxpayers and students are paying for this poison.

Diane Ravitch asks some good questions about this "academy," which is nothing more than a TFA for administrators. These people are being trained to be superintendents, regardless of whether they are actually qualified to lead school districts.

Many if not most of the "fellows" and "graduates" are educators, but there are others who are merely military types, business types, and just plain incompetents who are being taught in this "academy." There have strings attached for graduating, for every place these "graduates" have been installed, they put in Broad Academy "reforms."

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