I'd Say the Principal is at Fault

for forcing a teacher out being denying that teacher tenure following a whistle-blowing incident regarding special education students:

A passionate fellow, this teacher warned his principal last fall that their Bronx public high school was routinely violating the rights of the most vulnerable children, those in need of special education.

For speaking up, Mr. Lirtzman — who served as a deputy New York State comptroller before turning at age 53 to public-school teaching — saw his career ground to dust. He was denied tenure, and the principal, Grismaldy Laboy-Wilson, asked him to leave immediately. When he took his worries to the investigative arm of New York City’s Education Department, the investigators opened a file on him instead.

I wrote of Mr. Lirtzman’s struggle in May. His vindication arrived in the mail in June.

The State Education Department investigated his charges and sent him a copy of its report. It sustained Mr. Lirtzman’s allegations, one violation of state regulations after another.

It goes without saying the principals are allowed to keep their jobs no matter how bad they are. This one should have lost hers but she is protected by a union. Principals and other school administrators should not be allowed to have unions since they are supervisory personnel; this is one of the major reasons they are nearly impossible to fire. I suppose the reason they have them is for collective bargaining and also because principal jobs especially are hard to fill would be even harder without the perks of a union.

Reviews of this principal can be found here:

One-line Summary:
Has no teaching experience nor any empathy for the people she is leading.
Please review this principal in your own words:
She is an example of what the current mayoral leadership thinks is a good educational leader and that is so sad because she has no respect for nor rapport for the people whom she is guiding and leading and teaching.
What advice would you give to a teacher working with this principal?
I suppose that I could go on forever but my advice here is simple. Don't expect to learn to teach under her. Keep your head down to avoid the brickbats and insults she will hurl your way and, most importantly, keep exact records of everything. Keep hard copies, maintain a log and never, ever trust her for even one second of your life. Oh yes, how soon do you think you can a position in another school? But you have one other hope and that is that maybe she will finally get fired. Alas and alack!!!!!!


One-line Summary:
Principal is unethical does not value teachers' input
Please review this principal in your own words:
Principal routinely fires competent educators in order to unethically and illegally hire famiy members to her staff to serve as secretaries and para-professional in contradiction and violation with New York City Human Resources regulations. The principal has often not followed and violated New York State Regents regulations.
What advice would you give to a teacher working with this principal?
This principal is unethical and incompetent and will burn you at the first chance stay away and find another educational environment where education is value. I left as soon as I got the chance.

One-line Summary:
This principal is a principal from HELL!!
Please review this principal in your own words:
This principal is inexperienced, less than 3 years, never received tenure,and became a principal at 24 years old!! Imagine putting your career in the hands of a tandrum throwing, emotionally and professionally immature person like this. She does not respect the struggle of a new teacher because she never lived it! She does not deserve her position because she did not earn it, this is why she does not respect the honorable position of school leader!!She is a liar, and if you do or say something she does not like she will retaliate using her power to place false charges verbal or corporal on you and think it nothing!! She is a major liar and comes from a family where backstabbing is in the blood! She grew up in one of the Bronx Projects and she is every bit as street and immoral as many who lived where she grew up!
What advice would you give to a teacher working with this principal?
Save your career, your reputation, and peace of mind and leave as soon as you can, or take heed to this and never interview here, you will forever CURSE THE DAY YOU DO!

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