It's the Money, Not Marriage, Stupid

that explains why single-parent families, let alone single adults without kids, fare much more poorly economically than those comfortable married couples who could wind up in the exact same situation given the worsening economy. Two incomes provide a higher standard of living than one. It ain't rocket science.

The article is pure idiocy. Most single-parent households are as a result of divorce or a spouse having died, not because of women "choosing" to be single and having children alone. Yes, it is true the Times and other media often glorify women who "choose" to be single mothers, as long as they have glamorous careers (and typically a trust fund to fall back on). That may encourage less well-off, young women to go it alone when they shouldn't, but shaming these women for a shitty economy is not the way to go.

By the way, those in the article who brag about their luxurious lifestyles being married could well find themselves in the same situation the way this country is headed. It doesn't take much for the house of cards to collapse on top of them.

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