Saturday Reads

The so-called "left" further disenfranchises the rights of women, you know, female human beings, by yammering about the "right" of male prisoners who try to impersonate women to be housed with women prisoners.  Many if not most of these men are sex offenders and/or murderers.  At least Trump is doing something right on this issue.

Obama was bought and paid for by crossdressing pervert--and I will call this guy that--James "Jennifer" Pritzker, a woman-hater who has declared war on half the human race in order to force the public to feel sorry for deviants like him who get off sexually by dressing in feminine clothing.  Obama shitted all over women by perverting Title IX and then forcing female prisoners to be subject to male violence and sex perversions by allowing men to inhabit women's prisons.  Violence by "trans women" is rampant, and why shouldn't it be?  These men are mentally screwed up by definition.  If they are victims at all, it is that they are victims of psychosurgery, which should be outlawed as a form of eugenics and medical quackery.

This crap never should have been allowed in the first place.  As for the male left, they are completely worthless on women's rights as long as they worship that bullshit "sexual freedom."

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