Wednesday Reads

Let's hope this law passes.  Children need to be protected.

I never cease to be appalled when people talk about at what age they got married, and the women--almost never the men--were often married in their teens, often still in high school.  I know it was a different era, especially during the postwar era until the mid-1970s, and early marriages were extremely common and were in fact the rule.  Few people, especially women, first got married after age 25.  It has been a huge sea change since.  I welcome that change.  It is just unbelievable anybody could think early marriage is a good idea now that we know about brain development and decision making ability.

Betsy DeVos makes one nostalgic for the contemptible Arne Duncan

Charter schools are a spectacular failure.  Once again, the privatization of  public services proves to be wrongheaded.  Moreover, too many of them are under investigation.

Outside of Washington, the rollback on charters is well underway.

The Los Angeles school board, the nation's second-largest, has called for a statewide moratorium on new charter schools. In Minnesota — the first state to legalize charters, in 1991 — charter school enrollment is declining. In Nashville, Tennessee, the school board hasn't approved a new charter in two years, since anti-charter officials swept into office.

There is no substitute for public schools.

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