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Taylor Marsh notes so well, Joe Scarborough made a lot of sense when he let Newsweek's Richard Wolffe, who, like the same magazine's Jonathan Alter and Howard Fineman, is an anti-Clinton hack, have it regarding the delegate count:

I do hand it Scarborough. He may be a Republican, a former representative, but he often makes more sense than many people in the Democratic Party talking about this campaign. His remarks are around 5:30 into the video.

The WHOLE POINT OF THE SUPERDELEGATE SYSTEM is to prevent a McGovern-like disaster for the Democratic Party. That doesn't mean Hillary Clinton would have this election in the bag, and most likely she has been badly damaged by the filth of the Obama campaign, but it does provide vetting of a candidate should there be something going on later on after the bulk of the voting that would hurt this candidate in the fall.

Obama's tainted beyond repair. But Clinton may not be the alternative, either. The superdelegates have a big decision on their hands.

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