Darwinism Gone Crazy

Not only are kids more and more saddled with age-inappropriate curriculum, now testing is being developed to have kids be "screened" for college and career "readiness" as early as kindergarten.

Hell, you don't even need a screening test for that. Let's just force kids into special education services that they shouldn't even have by making it impossible for them to succeed in school with their peers with the curriculum impossible to master for any students below the 90th percentile.

Schemes like "screening tests" or developmentally inappropriate curriculum are nothing less than policies to create a full-blown caste system in the United States. Public universities and colleges will no longer exist in the privatizers' world; college will only be for the snobs in the top one percent. Or fraction of one percent. Those are the elites where the women will bitch they can't have it "all" when everything was basically handed to them in the first place and the rest of us have to feel sorry for these spoiled brats.

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