People Still Don't Get It

Well, of course the French found little controversial about the kiddie porn flick Cuties.  The French have had a long history of retrograde attitudes about boundaries between adults and children, men and women.  THIS is why the director,  Maïmouna Doucouré, didn't see anything wrong with how she went about making the film.  She didn't see anything unethical or illegal about how she made it.  It doesn't change the truth that she did go about making it in an unethical and even illegal manner.

If she had made this film as a documentary, avoiding the exploitation of child actors, she would have been on solid ground.  However, she is a dipshit French woman who apparently thinks little kids are just like adults, that they are "sexual beings."   After all, they are "coming of age."   That is pedophile thinking.

This article is complete horseshit in defense of the exploitation of child actors by trying to paint the opposition as QAnon weirdos, religious rightists, and "free speech" censors.  Opposition is all across the political spectrum.  This is an article that completely misses the point.  The "marketing" of the film has never been the reason for the opposition.  The film itself is way worse than the poster, judging from clips of it put on Twitter.  The fact is it is completely unethical to sexualize child actors.  It is illegal in many countries to do so.

If the woke left wants to try and understand why there is so little support for their ideas, a little introspection would go a long way.  However, few of them are capable of it.

This isn't a left vs right issue.  This is a boundary issue.  This is about whether you see children having the right to have boundaries, or you don't.

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