Robert "O.J." Blake,

whose acting career ended following killing his wife back in 2001 despite getting away with it is, like Lisa Jo Druck, trying to salvage his reputation or earn a few bucks by peddling his life story.

I believe Bonny Lee Bakley's family successfully sued Blake in civil court, so whatever proceeds Blake gets the family should at least get a portion of it.*

I don't see the book being a best seller, however:

He murdered Bakley to get custody of the baby. How dare he trash that child's mother? *--I forgot he filed for bankruptcy so he wouldn't have to pay the judgment. Nice guy, that deadbeat. Furthermore, he self-published his story last year, but nobody bought the goddamned thing. He must want to generate interest in it. If he can use obscenities, I sure as shit can. Another link

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